The Forward Thinking CFO · Numeritas – Episode 18 – Janene Liston – The Pricing Lady

In the latest episode of The Forward Thinking CFO, we catch up with Janene Liston, a highly trusted Pricing Consultant & Business Coach.

Janene’s company The Pricing Lady specialises in supporting businesses with their pricing, and offers workshops, mentoring and strategies to help SMEs and large-scale businesses improve their relationship with profits.

This is something Janene has been doing since her early days in corporate management. After starting out her career as an engineer, she worked her way through various marketing jobs to become a Pricing Manager at Siemens and Syngenta AG.

In 2016, Janene decided to take the plunge and co-found her own business, Gouta. This eventually evolved into The Pricing Lady – an all-encompassing service that teaches leaders to manage their pricing with confidence.

With a huge breadth of knowledge and experience in pricing models, Janene is well-placed to give some valuable insights and advice that can help your company thrive.

In this compelling episode, you’ll learn:

  • The key components of a pricing strategy, and why these should align with your brand,  communications, values and overarching business goals
  • How to make the most out of a value-based pricing model
  • Implementing strategically different approaches for B2B and B2C organisations
  • The three key things you should be considering when re-evaluating your pricing model

Whether you’re a CFO or entrepreneur wanting to refresh your pricing and offerings, this is the episode for you.

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode. Please get in touch with any feedback you have.

If you want to find out more about Janene, you can view her LinkedIn profile –

And if you’re eager to learn more about Janene’s business, you can take a look at The Pricing Lady website –